Don't let the political establishment exploit this senseless tragedy to take away your rights. |
Good afternoon, ladies and
gentlemen. It is a dreary, rainy day in Salt Lake City but, as always, April
showers will bring May flowers. So it will be for America, and, god willing,
for the rest of the world. We live now in a time of great turmoil and upheaval,
but I see a new dawn on the horizon for our people if we can resist the power
monopoly of a morally bankrupt and decadent secret oligarchy. As the book of
Ecclesiastes says, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every
purpose under the heaven.” (3:1). Now is
the time to break down. Tomorrow will be the time to build up.
This week has been grave and
momentous, indeed. On the 16th, a series of coordinated car bombingsoccurred in Iraq. These bombings killed 55 and injured untold hundreds. Coordinated
car bombings are the trademark of Al Qaeda, whose Iraq branch appears to be
resurgent. Of course, Americans could not be bothered with the atrocities in
Iraq because of the bombing at the Boston Marathon last Monday that claimed the
lives of three and injured hundreds more. As I suspected this attack had many
trademarks of a false flag terror exercise. This is a type of terrorism that is
created by a covert cell typically hidden within the political establishment.
The attack is then blamed afterward on the cell’s political opponents in order
to produce a favorable outcome. The name for this type of maneuver comes from a
naval term for when enemy ships fly their opponents’ flags and then launch an
attack after they have gained their confidence.
Shortly after the bombing, pictures
appeared on the 4chan website of individuals at the finish line carrying black
backpacks. These pictures were leaked by an anonymous party who identified
himself as working for a “security commission.” He claimed that the individuals
carrying the packs were potential patsies who would be framed for the attack to
assure the political goals of a network operating within the US government. He
claimed that they would try to frame this event on a “male in his late teens or
early 20’s” and that "they won't find the suspect til later this week and
the raid is supposed to occur on Friday."
The goal of this exercise was to
lead unnamed authorities to claim that "reloading powder shouldn't be for
sale to the public," and that "because the powder in ammunition can
be used for explosions that the number of rounds you can buy should be limited
and taxed to help pay for these events." This was reported by the
International Business Times. Infowars.com also reported that some of the
images depicted men carrying backpacks who were wearing military gear and hats
depicting Navy Seal insignias.
Hardcore terrorists or sheep-dipped patsies? |
These images went semi-viral and
were even picked up by mainstream sources. Later, however, the FBI released a video of two men wearing ball caps who they claimed were the only suspects in
the case. These men would turn out to be Chechen immigrants, Tamerlan Tsarnaev
and his brother Dzhokar. After an intense firefight with Tamerlan in which over
200 rounds were exchanged and explosives detonated, Tamerlan was killed. His
brother was found a day later in a boat, wounded after a firefight, but alive.
Interestingly, Senator Lindsay Graham suggested treating Dzhokar as an “enemy
combatant” meaning that he would not be mirandized as you would any other
violent criminal. This all took place while Boston and surrounding cities were
locked into a state of martial law. Citizens were commanded to stay indoors and
close their businesses while paramilitary police wantonly trampled their
constitutional rights by racing through their homes and businesses, threatening
anyone who resisted.
Soon after the bombing, reports also
began to circulate that there was a high level of security at the marathon
which included police and military. Before the bombing they announced to the
crowd and the runners that a bombing “drill” would occur and that they should
remain calm. Shortly before the bombing, The Boston Globe tweeted “Officials:
There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library in one minute as part
of bomb squad activities.”
Ali Stevenson, a University of
Mobile cross country coach, said that he thought “it was odd there were bomb
sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.” He said that, “They kept making
announcements to the participants do not worry, it's just a training exercise.”
He noticed spotters on the roofs of buildings before and after the race. An
experienced marathon racer, Stevenson said that he had never seen that level of
security at a race before.
Taking this information together, I
think it is reasonable to assume that the bombing at the marathon was a false
flag event most likely orchestrated by a rogue faction working within the
federal government and law enforcement. If this sounds too far-fetched to you,
I encourage you to research Operation Northwoods here and here and a far more
sinister European “stay-behind” organization called Operation Gladio here,
which had connections to US intelligence. Just last year, The New York Times
published an article documenting how the FBI has funded and provoked many
terrorist attacks in the United States, most likely to scapegoat groups deemed
undesirable by the political establishment, such as radical Muslims,
conservative patriot groups, white nationalist groups, and anarchists.
The most prescient of these events,
I think, is the 1993 World Trade Center bombing that was funded, and for the
most part implemented, by the FBI to scapegoat radical Muslims. This operation
employed a stable of potential patsies, individuals of sub-average intelligence
that would implement the attack and be blamed for it afterward. Potentially, we
see the same playbook with the Boston marathon bombings. In the leaked photographs
we see a variety of different individuals with black backpacks who could become
patsies. We see what appear to be US Special Forces with identical backpacks,
men of middle or near eastern descent, some disheveled white males- all waiting
to fulfill their role as patsies when the operation’s controllers select which
narrative is most expedient for them. We have that combined with a drill that
was potentially flipped “live” to disorient law enforcement and security
officials who were not made aware of the plan beforehand. 9/11 is an excellent
example of this tactic being used to disguise a real false-flag terror action.
No fewer than 46 drills were in effect across government agencies on or around
the same time as the 9/11 attacks. These drills were meant to simulate the
conditions of the attack to confuse and disorient government officials and
their staff, effectively paralyzing them from taking appropriate action,
because they perceived events as being just an exercise. 9/11 scholarship is a
fascinating field of study. I cannot recommend Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley’s
book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror enough if you would like to know more.
That elements within the state can
stage these events and murder innocent people, including children, is a shocking
revelation, but there is a silver lining in all of this. The rogue network
stages these events because they are desperate. They know that people are
waking up to their plans for global enslavement, and they know that if
Americans especially become educated about them and become organized their
global government revolution will fail. We have seen how frantically the
globalist regime and their collaborators have moved to disarm Americans in
recent months, to no effect. With this event we see the same playbook of past
operations merely being recycled. Meanwhile the alternative press has become larger
and more organized. They can react with greater agility to the official
narrative and gain greater credibility than ever before, which frightens the
control freaks more than ever.
I am confident that free people can
stop the covert revolution for global fascism. If you are reading this article,
then you are the resistance. Make no mistake, friends, information is power. We
must fight this war with words to prevent an all-out war with guns. If we
educate ourselves and our neighbors about the globalist conspiracy, we can
wrest freedom away from these tyrants and restore our natural rights and common
As more information develops on the
Boston marathon bombing, I am confident that today’s conspiracy theory will be
tomorrow’s common history. The future is always being made and always that
which is present becomes past. I will leave you with another Bible verse from Ecclesiastes
3:15, “That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been;
and God requireth that which is past.” The rainy day that I began this article is
now yesterday, and the sun shines brightly today. There is a warm breeze, and the
birds fill the air with their songs.
the Boston Bombing merely a distraction from other important events? Here are
some perspectives to support this: