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Actual transhumanist sculpture at the Grove Hotel |
On June 6-9 the annual meeting of
the Bilderberg group will in all likelihood take place at the Grove Hotel in Watford,
England. The Bilderberg meeting is an annual confab of the world’s elite
including prominent billionaires, heads of major corporations, and government
officials from all over the world. Last year, an infographic from Business
Insider showed nearly every major corporation and government has had
representatives attend the Bilderberg meeting since its inception in 1954. The
meeting is held in secret at a different location each year and is closed to
media and the public. Although little is known about the meeting’s purpose and
the topics discussed by the various working groups in the organization,
valuable information has been leaked through the years. Last year, the minutes
of the 1966 Bilderberg meeting were leaked, including the handwritten notes of Bilderberg
attendee US Senator Fred Harris. The notes reveal that Bilderberg elitists
believed that “nationalism is dangerous,” and political leaders fighting for
national sovereignty, like former French president Charles de Gaulle, presented
a problem to the Bilderbergers’ ongoing mission of establishing global
A similar leak from 1955 reveals
that the Bilderberg group was discussing the creation of the Euro some forty
years before it was introduced. This year, the news service Infowars has once
again been provided leaked information on Bilderberg’s agenda. According to an inside
source, Bilderberg 2013 will focus on the dangers 3-D printing will pose to the
power establishment, how to quell anti-austerity riots, and maintaining only
minimal economic growth worldwide through the end of the year. Clearly, the
Bilderbergers have good reason to keep their meetings confidential. This is
where the world’s elite do their dirt under the cover of darkness. Their one
and only goal has always been to cement the present power structure of state
and corporate fascism and lay the groundwork for a world government headed by a
tiny oligarchy.
Not coincidentally, the Google
Zeitgeist conference will also be held at the Grove Hotel only a few days
before Bilderberg will begin. Both groups book every single room at their
venues to ensure maximum security and secrecy. Google CEO Eric Schmidt is
expected to attend both events. Zeitgeist is ostensibly not a secret meeting.
The proceedings of each conference are made available to the public, but unlike
Google’s Big Tent conference, no media are allowed at the event. So, the
conference’s agenda cannot be legitimately confirmed.
The Independent has decried
conspiracy theorists’ view of Zeitgeist as a “cuddlier version of Bilderberg,”
and would prefer to view the conference as a techy, trendy, confab of wonky
nerds who are humble do-gooders on the world stage very much like the faddish
TED conference. One such cuddly nerd is Eric Schmidt,
who has said that
Google’s original motto “don’t be evil” was “stupid.” He’s also made statements
like, “We don’t need you to type at all. We know where you are. We know where
you’ve been. We can more or less know what you’re thinking about.” Regarding
internet privacy Schmidt had this to say: “If you have something that you don’t
want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.” What
does Google have planned for you? Schmidt says: “We will know your position
down to the foot and down to the inch over time…Your car will drive itself,
it’s a bug that cars were invented before computers…you’re never lonely…you’re
never bored…you’re never out of ideas.” These people are moral relativists who
see morality as situational; nothing is categorically good or evil, but rather
“good” or “evil.” Namely getting more money by spying on you, reporting your actions
to the government, and controlling everything you do would doubtlessly be
described by Schmidt and the Zeitgeist attendees as the very essence of
morality. This is the same company that was recently accused of being a “co-conspirator”
in releasing Fox News reporter James Rosen’s private emails to the Department
of Justice.
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Eric Schmidt: the new Kissinger? |
On May 13th Infowars
reporter, Paul Joseph Watson, revealed that his sources inside Bilderberg have
speculated that there will be a merger of the Zeitgeist conference and
Bilderberg in the near future. Thanks to the tireless efforts of alternative
media outlets like Infowars.com and WND, the Bilderberg meeting has come under increasing
scrutiny in recent years. Once, the Bilderbergers could expect to meet quietly
in secret, secure in the knowledge that their highly placed operatives within
the media establishment would ensure their invisibility. Now, the Bilderberg
meeting attracts angry protestors from all over the world demanding an end to
the world-government cabal. It has become necessary to rebrand the meeting as a
hip, harmless, and much less formal meeting-of-the-minds who promise to bring
us more shiny gadgets; more toys that promise to wrap us in a glowing cocoon
that will distract us away from our diminishing quality of life under worldwide
Also, the meeting must be recast so
that septuagenarians like David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger can pass the black
emperor’s baton to a new cadre of kinder, gentler fascists. Madmen like Ray Kurzweil, chief engineer at Google, who recently gave a presentation to the UN
roadmapping the transhumanist vision of mankind’s future. Kurzweil believes
that mankind’s existence will soon become unbearable. War, poverty, and
sickness will have to be alleviated to ensure the survival of the species.
Enter the nerd oligarchs who will replace our faulty human hardware of flesh
and bone with nifty new implants and computer chips that will replace our cells.
Ultimately, Kurzweil hopes to annihilate mankind in its present form and upload
each individual consciousness into a machine that will be the ultimate
expression of man’s creativity. In this digital transcendence there will be no
death and no suffering. Man will be free to roam the universe and become God.
This is the moment when any thinking
person will wonder who will be the managers of this wonderful future where
every human on earth will be technically dead and reduced to a mere computer
program. You need look no further than the cabal of technocrats meeting this
June at the Grove Hotel. These mad Strangeloves are the very engineers of
poverty and war created by the poisonous debt mechanisms of central banking. In
only a few weeks they will continue their plans to cripple the world’s
economies with inflated fiat debt currencies, poison the environment with GE
food and geo-engineering, and continue their murderous wars whose only
objectives are to kill off excess population, impoverish productive nations,
and enrich the corporations who have made death their only business.
They think that when the dust
finally clears, they will face a population so weak and impoverished that we
will beg for world-government and transhumanism, but they are gravely mistaken.
I would not be writing these words to you if I believed that you were truly in
love with your enslavement and beyond hope. The human spirit has always
overcome the machinations of history’s wicked slavemasters, and it will do so
again. Fight the future, my friends. Educate yourself about the Bilderbergers
and the architects of the New World Order. Tell your friends and family about
the threat of global fascism. Together we can detoxify our children from their
poisoned food, water, and brainwashing systems and we can raise the coming
generations of devoted freedom lovers who will leave the New World Order behind